So it was my birthday yesterday!!!!! so here's my birthday post! :D I am a huge birthday person, birthdays are always special to me...I use them to celebrate my existence, …
The Right Feel
This was one of those sunny days when the wind just won't quit, my hair was hands were constantly on my face, trying to keep everything in place and I loved …
Summer’s School Girl
So summer is almost over and the warmth and humidity is almost gone. The idea of layering makes me shiver.... no more sunny days, its time for jackets and tights and well too …
Splash Of Color
Since its summer, I am trying to wear more bright colors, not just pastels and white and black.....and honestly finding breathable black shirts for summer is not so easy. So, …
Double Denim?
I love the idea of having a denim shirt in your wardrobe, i really believe that it is a staple item that everyone should own, it is great for daily activities! Also because it …
Style Intro
Hello! Welcome to a rebranded "The Lotus Pure", I'ld love to give you a quick style intro :D . I've been running this blog as a way to share my random musings with …