Hey! So its time for me write down my thoughts again!! I am totally excited about this one because it is something that i have actually learnt to incorporate into my life daily. This post is about Picking your battles.
Almost everyday we encounter situations that test our patience, beliefs and most times our whole being and the way we react to such situations says a lot about us and our priorities. You know the saying "there's nothing like a free lunch"? Well THERE IS NOTHING LIKE SPARE TIME and what we put our energy into will definitely produce results and it is up to you to decide what kind of results you want.
Picking your battles is a big deal, especially when people offend you. My mother always told me that not every activity or word from people deserves a reaction. Sometimes you just need to look at the situation and just go "NAH, NOT TODAY!" . Pace yourself! Realize that every second spent doing something that isn't very productive to you is a second of your lifetime wasted. Sometimes I log on to social networks and I see people fighting online and most times all I can say is "that's just a way of creative time ".
The economists put it better with the theory of the opportunity cost. Learn to discern what idea or activity will be more productive and put your time into. Try not to let people waste your time with situations that don't increase or benefit you, learn to walk away from situations that waste your time and belittle you.
Remember that people will address you based on how you present yourself and the activities that you invest in SOMETIMES MIGHT be an indication of who you are.
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