Hey ! Hows it going?? As usual I want to say a big thank you to all of you who read my blog , share and give me feedback one way or another, I really appreciate it! 🙂 . On this post, I will be be talking about a very simple question today...a question which is deeper than the three words really give off..the simple question of "who are You?".
I'm sure whenever any of you are asked this question, the first thing that comes to your mind is of-course your name because for some reason the world has made it acceptable to define your entire being with just your name. Sometimes when I'm asked this question, I give my name as usual and if I am pressed to give a longer answer, I go on to say " My name is Auneetuh and I am a girl" with a grin on my face. As cute as that reply always seems, deep in my head it always bugged me that that was all I could ever come up with, but I do not expect people to start giving their life biographies just because of 3 words now do I?
This blog used to be called "defining yourself", I picked the name because it expressed the fact that I am evolving and trying to TELL who I am. When answering the question "who are you/", It is great to note that telling people who you are is the first aspect of this question. Has someone ever asked you about someone else before, maybe a friend asks you about a random guy/girl that you might know, what reply do you give them? I have watched people tag/define other people just from this question, tags ranging from a nice person to a snob, a hoe, and so many other things just from perception. Ever wondered what someone would say about you if this question is asked about you?
Secondly, there's the self perception aspect of this question...have you ever taken time to decide you you really are? Because humans tend to act differently around different crowds and as much as this shows maturity, have you been able to identify which "You" is the real you? Which "You" tells of your soul? Which "You" is more genuine? We do not even realize that sometimes we lie to ourselves about who we are.
Personally you may a certain perception of yourself/this definition of yourself, while society has a different definition of you and your different crowds also have their views on who you are, if these three aspects are collected, do you expect them to correlate? Here's something you should try: Ask some of your friends who you really trust not to bullshit you to tell you what they really think about you, then ask yourself who you really are and not who you want to be..... and when you are done define who you are and where you want to go from there.
The question of who you are is not about what you appear to be, realize that everyone is trying to become the person they see in their hearts but the world does not make it easy for us to show our souls without trying to change or crush us but don't forget that if you don't tell people who you are...they'll tell you who you are not and shape you for their own good. Its time to figure out who you really are and reintroduce yourself.
My name is AuneeTuh, I am a girl with a large heart and big ass smile who is still evolving....who are You??
Hope this made sense x_x.... Thanks for reading, kindly subscribe, comment, share, follow and all that good stuff and please do come back again :D.
** AuneeTuh **