We are less than two weeks to the first day of Spring and I'm excited! The weather is getting warmer and warmer, the snow on the ground is melting and I even heard the morning birds singing by my window the other day. Now, as much as Spring is beautiful and a sign of hope for the warmer season, Spring transition isn't always so smooth sometimes. Spring transition means that it's time to shift our lifestyle to adjust to the season; for me, this includes my wardrobe, my skincare, haircare and body care and even my routines because I can finally workout outside again! My Spring transition is always thorough which is why I have come up with a system that works that I will be giving to you today to guide you in your transition along with some beautiful spring essentials you can start including in your day-to-day life!
When making changes, it's best to work from the inside out which is why I start my Spring Transition from my body, skin and hair care before moving on to my wardrobe and other lifestyle updates.
Your hair goes through changes from season to season and it is important to pay attention to these changes so you can care for it accordingly. After the harsh months of winter, I notice that my hair always needs lots of hydration! The best way I add hydration to my hair routine is by adding a root-reviving conditioner to my routine like the Raw Sugar "root revive" conditioner which I apply before bed to allow for better absorption. The "root revive" leave-in conditioner helps restore radiance and lustre to my hair while also promoting fuller hair growth. To take hydration to the next level, I incorporate good moisture-enhancing shampoo and conditioners into my routine while increasing my conditioning time to at least an hour to further help lock in the moisture. I am currently using Raw Sugar "the moisture smoothie" shampoo and conditioner which is formulated with coconut and agave to restore lustre to my hair when it's dry.
Along with transitioning my hair routine, I make sure to transition my skin routine too. After experiencing intense winter months with dry air and cracked skin, extra TLC is needed. Here are three changes that I make to my skincare routine for a smoother transition:
- Add Water-Based Serums: A big trend with my sping transition process is hydration. During the winter months, oil-based serums work best because they penetrate your skin and lock in moisture. However, in the warmer months, you want your serums to absorb quicker! This is where water-based serums come in; their lightweight and gel-like texture allow them to absorb quicker, infusing active agents into your skin to maintain that healthy glow!
- Switch to Gentler Cleansers: During the warmer months, your skin produces a lot more natural oils and you want to nurture that oil production. Switching out stronger cleansers for milder cleansers that do not strip your skin of its natural moisture will be key to maintaining your skin health and of course that glow! I am currently using the Cerave Hydrating Cleanser and it's amazing for removing dirt and makeup without disrupting my skin's natural protective barrier.
- Throw Out Old Makeup and Skincare Products: When I spring clean, I spring clean everything, especially skincare products. When Spring cleaning, ask yourself these questions:
- Have I used it in the past 3-6 months?
- Is it expired? Is it way past the "period after opening"?
- Is it needed in my routine?
- Throw Out Old Makeup and Skincare Products: When I spring clean, I spring clean everything, especially skincare products. When Spring cleaning, ask yourself these questions:
If the answer to any of these questions is no, I take it out of my routine. For your skin to be its best self, every step of your routine needs to be working towards the same goal.
I think the most popular Winter to Spring transition for most people is their wardrobe; putting away the dark and heavy winter clothes and reaching out for lighter clothes! But saying it is way different from doing it, which is why I have broken my transition into simple steps:
- Switch out your heavy jackets and parkas for blazers: We know it's getting warmer but it's not quite there. Blazers are a good way to take away the weight of parkas without losing all the warmth. Plus they are perfect for layering your basics to elevate your spring look.
- Add colours and florals to your wardrobe: We've had enough of the tans and browns, it's time to brighten up your outfits. When next you are getting dressed, skip the black and brown turtlenecks and pick a floral or pastel piece of clothing up instead. Or a lightweight bright coloured sweater! Bright colours and florals refresh your look with little effort!
- Transition the boots to sneakers & loafers: When it's warm enough, I am quick to put away my boots for sneakers and sometimes loafers. Fashion sneakers are perfect for spring because they are a practical piece to staying comfortable while looking stylish. There are lots of sneaker choices for brightening your Spring wardrobe depending on your personal style and comfort level. Here are a few of my favourite sneakers for 2021 Spring.
- Transition the boots to sneakers & loafers: When it's warm enough, I am quick to put away my boots for sneakers and sometimes loafers. Fashion sneakers are perfect for spring because they are a practical piece to staying comfortable while looking stylish. There are lots of sneaker choices for brightening your Spring wardrobe depending on your personal style and comfort level. Here are a few of my favourite sneakers for 2021 Spring.
Remember to take out a day to clean out your wardrobe and put away your heavy wool, cashmere and down pieces so your fun and lightweight pieces can have room.
I love the feeling of lightness and hope that Spring brings and I have noticed that Spring is one of my favourite times to pick up new habits or change my routines. Here are a couple of changes that I try to make during the Spring season that helps with my season transition:
- Cleanse Your Diet: Cleansing your body and your mind is a great way to get a head start on transitioning for the season. During the winter months, I find myself indulging in heartier meals but when Spring comes along, I always focus on detoxification and digestion. A quick way I improve my diet for Spring is by including more leafy greens and meals that support better blood flow and clear heat and stagnation, making sure to cut down on starchy foods and sugar, which are harder to digest!
- Get Active Outdoors: We're mostly indoors during the winter months so it's no surprise that I get excited when it's warm enough to go outside and enjoy the great outdoors. The closer Spring and Summer get, the more I try to incorporate more outdoor activities into my morning or evening routines. I increase the duration of my morning walks or sometimes take my workouts outdoor. I find that starting the say out with some fresh air does a lot for my mood and helps me get my mind ready for the day.
- Spring Clean your Home: Finally, the most popular Winter to Spring lifestyle activity that you should be doing right now is a thorough cleanout of your home and space. I've found that rearranging and decluttering my space is a great way to destress and improve my well-being. My goal is always to reduce toxic load and improve my at-home experience.
- Spring Clean your Home: Finally, the most popular Winter to Spring lifestyle activity that you should be doing right now is a thorough cleanout of your home and space. I've found that rearranging and decluttering my space is a great way to destress and improve my well-being. My goal is always to reduce toxic load and improve my at-home experience.
Although seasonal transition might take a couple of steps, the reward of getting yourself ready to start a new season is always worth it. I hope this inspires your to update your beauty, fashion and lifestyle routines in time for Spring. If you in that space where you think you need more than a Spring clean to get you ready for the season, I would recommend taking a little time off, perhaps plan a staycation. I wrote about how to plan a luxury staycation within your city here.